Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Drive on the right side of the road, dammit!

I have just had my second driving lesson in Delaware. I am such a lousy driver, I really wonder if I will ever be able to drive in this country! 

My driving instructor has been telling me to "speed up! speed up!".  I drive at a speed of 30 mph in a zone of 55 mph....uuuuffff! I am terrified that someone is going to come from the left, from the right, from every side and bang into me. I think it's my Indian orientation. Of course there will be cars, autos, buses, people, dogs and cows coming at you from all sides!
Then there’s the question of staying on the right side of the road. I keep thinking I'm going too much to the right, and then too less...and of my God! What if someone wants to overtake me? They'll pass you from the left dufus! Stay in your lane and speed up. Just remember to stop at the stop sign, not just slow down. Never mind that the road is empty, you have to stop! 

Speaking of stopping, I have to stop putting my left foot on the brake and the right on the accelerator. Since there is no clutch, the left foot has to relax on the side. Of course, I won't let it. I keep putting it on the brake. The width of the brake pedal doesn't help either...there's enough room on it for both my feet! I have to, have use my right foot to brake and to accelerate. Or I'll be breaking and accelerating all at once at a speed of 50mph! And to think that my problem with driving in India was the fact that I was speeding and not slowing down in time...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The city, the friends and everything that goes with it

I have just seen Sex and the City 2, the movie, for the nth time. No, no. I'm not ODing on it, it just keeps playing every other night on TV and we invariably land up on the channel that plays it. We crib every time about reruns and how we can't figure out why a country with such a huge entertainment industry needs to play re-runs 6 days a week...but we always watch the movie.

The first time we saw this movie, it brightened up my day. We were in Edinburgh, it was still winter, we were mostly alone and going out for a light movie was our ultimate idea of fun. Anyone who has ever lived in Europe in the winter will totally understand where I am coming from. Anyway, we saw the movie and my husband of course left the movie  in the hall the minute he exited from the theatre but I carried it with me.

I got to thinking about how similar the lives of us girls are, wherever we are in the world. I missed my friends terribly that evening. And I miss them every single day even now, since now I'm even further away from home. But every time I see the film, my heart warms with everything my friends and I have ever bitched about, laughed about and cried about. And I look forward to many more times like those in the future. And many more reruns of Sex and the City (Part 1, 2, 3...whatever!)